What is VIP Marketplace
Get an overview of VIP Marketplace, including its key benefits and adminitration tools.

There are two web-based tools used to administer VIP Marketplace: one for customers and one for direct partners or resellers.
Adobe Admin Console for customers
The Admin Console is the centralized management tool that customer administrators (or “admins”) use to easily add and administer licenses, assign and un-assign users, inform users that software has been deployed for them, and monitor storage. Customers who purchase enterprise versions of Adobe products will have access to additional control features within the Admin Console. VIP customers will be familiar with the Admin Console, making the migration of customers from VIP to VIP Marketplace a more seamless transition.
See the Admin Console help pages on Adobe.com for more information on the Admin Console.
Customer management consoles for resellers
With VIP Marketplace, resellers manage their customers and place orders via web-based portals, or marketplaces, set up by their designated direct partner’s platform provider. Platform providers set up, update, and troubleshoot a direct partner’s marketplace platform. They can be third-party companies, or they can be a direct partner’s in-house team. It is the direct partner’s responsibility to invest in the creation of their marketplace platform by using a platform provider. Resellers do not use the Adobe Reseller Console or Adobe Licensing Website (LWS) for VIP Marketplace, which simplifies the overall experience.
In their marketplace platform, resellers can invite customers to join VIP Marketplace, manage customer accounts, add licenses, and view information about licenses added. This is the portal on which a reseller submits orders, tracks orders, views purchase histories, and changes or adds account contacts and information.
For more information on how to manage your reseller organization and customers in VIP Marketplace, contact your direct partner.