How VIP Marketplace works

Learn how to invite customers to the VIP Marketplace program, what the three subscription term options are, and how volume discounts work. 


VIP Marketplace guide overview  > How VIP Marketplace works


Inviting customers to join VIP Marketplace

Resellers send their customers an invitation to join VIP Marketplace through their own marketplace platform. Both a customer account ID and a VIP ID are issued the day the invitation is sent. The VIP ID is a unique and confidential contract identifier. See the Customer Administration section for more information on IDs.

The invitation to join VIP Marketplace contains terms and conditions that the customer must accept. Resellers are not permitted to accept the VIP Marketplace terms and conditions on the customer’s behalf.

Once customers accept the invitation, they become VIP Marketplace members. Members may appoint their reseller as an additional administrator to help manage their account, but resellers may not serve as the contract owner system administrator.