VIP Marketplace sales and administration guide
Get detailed information on how to position, sell, and administer customer licenses in VIP Marketplace.

Welcome to VIP Marketplace
Adobe VIP Marketplace is an evolution of the customer and reseller experience, optimizing and scaling business transactions to accelerate growth and enable new opportunities—based on the Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) buying program.
How to use this guide
This guide helps direct partners and distributor authorized resellers (DARs) position, sell, and administer customer licenses through VIP Marketplace. For partners who are selling through the VIP program, there are many similarities between the VIP buying program and VIP Marketplace in terms of program features, so much of the information in this guide may be familiar. If you are not familiar with VIP, then this information is especially important to help get you up to speed on how VIP Marketplace works.
In this guide, you will find the following sections:
What is VIP Marketplace—Get an overview of VIP Marketplace, including its key benefits and administration tools.
How VIP Marketplace works—Learn how to invite customers to the VIP Marketplace program, what the three subscription term options are, and how volume discounts work.
Customer account management—Learn how to create and manage customer accounts, how to place orders and manage returns, how renewals work, and how to find and read Adobe price lists.
Becoming a seller—Find out what the differences are between VIP and VIP Marketplace. And get detailed information on the requirements and process for direct partners and resellers to sell Adobe products through VIP Marketplace.
Support—Learn how to get support for VIP Marketplace for any role, including the customer admin, reseller, direct partner, and marketplace provider. And find out how VIP Marketplace members can change resellers.