Customer account management

Learn all about customer account administration, including managing customer details in VIP Marketplace, migrating customers from VIP to VIP Marketplace, ordering and returns, renewals, and using Adobe price lists.

The Worldwide VIP Marketplace program allows qualifying Adobe VIP Marketplace customers to purchase centrally against a single VIP Marketplace agreement (VIP ID) using a single worldwide reseller of their choice. Global Customers can purchase from a VIP Marketplace worldwide reseller’s marketplace and then deploy licenses to their users anywhere in the world, excluding the People’s Republic of China and other restricted countries.


  • Global Customer: To qualify as a Global Customer, a customer must have locations in three or more different countries, regardless of region. VIP Marketplace Linked Membership Affiliates may count toward the 3-country minimum.

For full terms and conditions, including ordering examples, see the VIP Marketplace Worldwide Reseller Program Guide.