Customer account management

Learn all about customer account administration, including managing customer details in VIP Marketplace, migrating customers from VIP to VIP Marketplace, ordering and returns, renewals, and using Adobe price lists.

Renewal information for customers

Licenses purchased through VIP Marketplace automatically renew for the following year on the anniversary date. A VIP Marketplace member’s annual subscription will automatically renew based on Adobe’s partner price: 1) in effect on the anniversary date; and 2) for the member’s qualifying discount level, unless changed or cancelled with Adobe at least 3 days before the anniversary date or Adobe communicates otherwise.

For example, if in a member’s current term, they are at discount level 2 and their auto-renewal order qualifies for a level 3 discount, then they will receive the level 3 discount level beginning with that renewal order. Also, if in their current term, the Adobe product offer is based on promotional pricing, then in their renewal term, their Adobe product offer will be based on standard pricing because the promotional pricing expired.

If a member opts-out of automatic renewal, and no renewal order is placed on the next anniversary date, then their licenses will expire. The member may update their renewal settings, including adding or changing products, by contacting their reseller at least 3 days before the anniversary date.

Renewal information for direct partners

VIP Marketplace direct partners manage the auto-renewal for member subscriptions. By default, all VIP Marketplace orders have auto-renewal turned on, unless the subscription was already marked not to auto-renew. A direct partner can modify the auto-renewal settings using the Subscriptions API call in their marketplace platform. Direct partners may change auto-renewal settings with Adobe at any time during the member’s subscription period, up to 3 days prior to the anniversary date.

When the products are set to auto-renew, the direct partner is not expected to take an action; Adobe initiates an auto-renewal order on behalf of the direct partner on the VIP Marketplace member’s anniversary date.

Direct partners can view the auto-renewal order. The order history API can be used to view the auto-renewal orders created by Adobe.

Updating the subscription at renewal

If the member wishes to add or decrease licenses or add or change products at their anniversary date, the Update Renewal API can be called up to 30 days but no later than 3 days prior to the anniversary date. This means the licenses for the subsequent subscription term can be updated at any time via the direct partner’s platform.

Late renewals 

All renewals are due on the anniversary date. When auto-renewal is enabled, renewals are placed automatically on the anniversary date, and auto-renewal is the preferred method of managing VIP Marketplace renewals. However, in cases where renewal orders must be placed manually after the anniversary date, Adobe will allow up to 14 days for late renewals to accommodate occasional administrative delays or system issues.  

When placing a renewal order after the anniversary date, use the standard VIP Marketplace SKUs and explicitly identify the order as a “Renewal” type. 

  • The renewal effective date will be aligned with the anniversary date.  
  • All fees will be calculated based on the full duration of the license term. 
  • The 14-day return period will begin on the order date.  
  • The renewal order can include only products from the customer’s previous term. Any new license orders must be placed separately. 

Auto-renewal settings

Regarding the auto-renewal settings, direct partners are expected to do the following:

  • Communicate to the members about their subscriptions’ renewal settings
  • Set the auto-renewal settings based on the member preferences

The available subscription APIs are used by the direct partner’s platform to set renewal preference for how many licenses to renew at the next anniversary date. You can change the number of licenses as many times as you like, but it will only take effect when auto-renewal happens.

When a member opts out of auto-renewal, it is necessary to manually input the renewal order on the anniversary date. Note: In VIP Marketplace, Adobe uses only new SKUs for both new orders and renewals.

When a renewal order is processed on VIP Marketplace, neither the reseller nor the direct partner receives a confirmation email from Adobe that a new order has been processed. Instead, the available API allows the direct partner’s marketplace platform to check the status of the order at any time. Adobe does not copy the direct partner or reseller on the systematic order confirmation email that is received by the member.