Creative Cloud for education assets
Take advantage of these resources to market and sell Creative Cloud for education.
Available assets include promotional campaign materials, marketing tools, sales tools, documents to share with customers, and more.
For Adobe Sign education assets, visit the Adobe Sign asset page and select the Education tab.
Top sales plays & marketing assets
Empower student creativity
State and local government
Empower digital transformation

Share this resource hub with your Adobe Document Cloud/Adobe Acrobat Sign prospects and customers. It offers audience perspectives and assets for educators, parents and students, and IT administrators. Recently refurbished with updated content and a better user experience. Also contains a page highlighting on-demand and upcoming webinars.
Customer tools
Educator tools
Sales tools
Adobe Express
This brochure explores how Adobe empowers students to succeed in the age of Artificial Intelligence
pdf 3.90 MB Last updated: 5/8/2024
Shared device licensing
HED VIP Student License Pack
Customer-facing banners in various sizes with three different creative versions. Use to promote Creative Cloud and Student License Pack across higher education properties.
zip 0.55 MB Last updated: 6/22/2022
Customer tools
Deployment tools
Educator tools
Chromebooks offer
Creative Cloud and Adobe Express integrations
Marketing assets
Leverage these email templates to communicate to your customers/prospects. Targeted at K–12 IT directors and administrators to promote the K–12 offer for Adobe Creative Cloud for education.
zip 5.41 MB Last updated: 5/3/2023
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