Our commitment to you.

At Adobe, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our customers, partners, employees, and our worldwide community. As the situation with COVID-19 unfolds, we’re committed to giving you the support and resources to navigate this challenging time. 


Supporting your customers 

Talk to your customers to find out what they need and how you can lighten their load. From a conversation guide and
a real-time hub for Q&A to the latest news, these resources can help you provide support.


Conversation guides  

Help your customers get the most value out of their existing investment in Adobe products and services. These guides helps you share resources and information with customers as we all change how we work. 

Work from home guide >

Third-party integration guide >

Security in Adobe products & services >

Education value guide for K–12 & HED (IT focus)

Education value guide for K–12 (non-IT focus)

Sales voice & tone guide >


Adobe Partner Community Hub

Visit the Adobe Community Hub, hosted on Adobe Connect, to have your questions answered, learn more about the recent programs, and stay up to date with new initiatives and the latest announcements.

Join the Hub now >


Channel toolkits

Download sales tools and marketing assets to help your customers keep business moving from anywhere.

Keep business moving with Acrobat DC toolkit >

Business continuity toolkit >  

Adobe's customer commitment

See Adobe’s COVID-19 response and Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen's letter to our Adobe community on Adobe.com.

Check it out >