Growth check-in call script
Prepare for the call:
Review the deployment history for your customer and use this as guidance to determine their incremental progress in seat deployment.
Open the call:
“Good morning/afternoon. My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] to make sure you are getting the most value from your Adobe [insert product name] subscription. May I please speak with [insert customer’s name]?"
If... |
Then... |
You reach the customer’s voicemail | Proceed with Voicemail script below |
A gatekeeper answers the call | Proceed with Gatekeeper Navigation script below |
The customer answers the call | Proceed with Growth check-in call flow below |
Voicemail script:
Leave the following voicemail message: “My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] regarding your Adobe [insert product name] subscription. I will try to reach you again tomorrow. If you need assistance, please call me at [insert number].”
Gatekeeper Navigation script:
You: “Hello. May I please speak with [insert customer’s name]?”
Gatekeeper: May I ask who is calling?
You: “My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] to make sure [insert customer’s name] is getting the most value from their Adobe [insert product name] subscription.”
Gatekeeper: Just one moment.
You: “Thank you.”
Growth check-in call script:
You: “Hello. Thank you for taking my call today. It has been about six months since your [insert product name] subscription began. I wanted to check in and make sure you are taking full advantage of the benefits of your subscription.”
Allow the customer to respond. Actively listen for any comments regarding current or future projects or requirements, as well as opportunities to upsell additional Adobe products and services such as adding Adobe Stock to Creative Cloud, extending Acrobat DC throughout the organization, or upgrading from teams to enterprise. Is your customer taking advantage of the Adobe ecosystem? Are IT complaints down? Is the creative team inspired? This is an opportunity for you to involve your customer in the larger Adobe community to lay the foundation for a successful renewal.
You: “Is there anything else I can help you with today? I will send a follow-up email with links to some of the resources we discussed. Thank you again for your time, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance.”