February 28, 2023

Updated information: Adobe system updates

As our business continues to grow, Adobe is in the process of making various technology updates intended to better support customers and partners long term. We apologize for any unintended experience or system issues that may have occurred during this time.

Please know that the Adobe executive team is fully invested in ensuring our customers and partners are well-supported, and that reported issues are treated with the highest priority. The Adobe support teams are optimizing their processes to address issues more quickly and efficiently and help minimize impact as much as possible.

We have been actively working to resolve these issues over the past few weeks and are monitoring cases daily. We expect to fully resolve these issues by early March. In addition to optimizing our processes to resolve cases more efficiently, we have also implemented enhanced scanning technology to proactively detect potential issues.

If you would like more details on any particular issue, please contact your Adobe channel account manager or authorized distributor. Adobe channel account managers are being provided with weekly status reports, and we will be providing updates directly to our partner community as needed.

You can direct customers to this Adobe Support post for more information.