January 4, 2018

Welcome to Adobe Consumer and Business Connection

We’re glad you’re here. This new website is a one-stop shop for sales and marketing enablement for resellers, distributors, and retailers.

Consumer and Business Connection is a major redesign of the Adobe Interactive Guide that uses Adobe Marketing Cloud to deliver long-needed features like search, the option for partners to log in to access sensitive or prelaunch content, and a mobile-friendly design. Think sales tools, marketing assets, and training materials—instantly at your fingertips.

We're releasing the language versions of the new website on a staggered schedule. Here's what to expect:

  • January 5, 2018: The official launch of the new Consumer and Business Connection website in English, French, German, and Spanish. 
  • January 12, 2018: The official launch of the new Consumer and Business Connection website in Italian and Latin America.
  • January 19, 2018: The official launch of the new Consumer and Business Connection website in Korean and Brazilian Portuguese.
  • TBD: The official launch of the new Consumer and Business Connection website in Japanese and Chinese. AIG will be retired at this time.